- 2023年度
氏名:山口竜史- 対象論文:
Yamaguchi, R. and M. Furuya (2024): Can we explain the post-2015 absence of the Chandler wobble?, Earth, Planets and Space, 76, 1.
Yamaguchi, R. and M. Furuya (2024): Can we explain the post-2015 absence of the Chandler wobble?, Earth, Planets and Space, 76, 1.
氏名:福嶋陸斗- 対象論文:
Fukushima, R., M. Kano and K. Hirahara (2023): Physics-informed neural networks for fault slip monitoring: Simulation, frictional parameter estimation, and prediction on slow slip events in a spring-slider system, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128, e2023JB027384.
Fukushima, R., M. Kano and K. Hirahara (2023): Physics-informed neural networks for fault slip monitoring: Simulation, frictional parameter estimation, and prediction on slow slip events in a spring-slider system, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128, e2023JB027384.
- 2022年度
- 氏名:田中優介
- 対象論文:
Tanaka, Y., Y. Ohta and S. Miyazaki (2022): Continuous estimation of coseismic and early postseismic slip phenomena via the GNSS carrier phase to fault slip approach: a case study of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki sequence, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 9, 55.
Tanaka, Y., Y. Ohta and S. Miyazaki (2022): Continuous estimation of coseismic and early postseismic slip phenomena via the GNSS carrier phase to fault slip approach: a case study of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki sequence, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 9, 55.
氏名:小杉一誠- 対象論文:
Kosugi, I. and Y. Mitsui (2022): Azimuthal differences and changes in strain rate and stress of the Japanese Islands deduced from geophysical data, Earth, Planets and Space, 74, 137.
Kosugi, I. and Y. Mitsui (2022): Azimuthal differences and changes in strain rate and stress of the Japanese Islands deduced from geophysical data, Earth, Planets and Space, 74, 137.
氏名:長縄和洋- 対象論文:
Naganawa, K.,T. Kazama, Y. Fukuda, S. Miura, H. Hayakawa, Y. Ohta, and J. T. Freymueller (2022): Updated absolute gravity rate of change associated with glacial isostatic adjustment in Southeast Alaska and its utilization for rheological parameter estimation, Earth Planets Space, 74, 116.
Naganawa, K.,T. Kazama, Y. Fukuda, S. Miura, H. Hayakawa, Y. Ohta, and J. T. Freymueller (2022): Updated absolute gravity rate of change associated with glacial isostatic adjustment in Southeast Alaska and its utilization for rheological parameter estimation, Earth Planets Space, 74, 116.
氏名:伊東優治- 対象論文:
Itoh, Y., Y. Aoki and J. Fukuda (2022): Imaging evolution of Cascadia slow-slip event using high-rate GPS, Sci Rep, 12, 7179.
Itoh, Y., Y. Aoki and J. Fukuda (2022): Imaging evolution of Cascadia slow-slip event using high-rate GPS, Sci Rep, 12, 7179.
- 2021年度
- 氏名:Nematollah Ghayournajarkar
- 対象論文:
- Ghayournajarkar, N., and Y. Fukushima (2022): Using InSAR for evaluating the accuracy of locations and focal mechanism solutions of local earthquake catalogues, Geophys. J. Int., 230, 1, 607–622.
- Ghayournajarkar, N., and Y. Fukushima (2022): Using InSAR for evaluating the accuracy of locations and focal mechanism solutions of local earthquake catalogues, Geophys. J. Int., 230, 1, 607–622.